Nevrokard Cardiovascular Parameter Analysis (CVPA) is a software tool for analysis of the following cardiovascular parameter data generated by:

Finometer® (manufactured by Finapres® Medical Systems; Niccomo® (manufactured by Medis® Medizinische Messtechnik;
  • RR Intervals (RRI),
  • Heart Rate (HR),
  • Systolic Blood Pressure (SP),
  • Mean Blood Pressure (MP),
  • Diastolic Blood Pressure (DP),
  • Pulse Pressure (PP),
  • Stroke Volume (SV),
  • Cardiac Output (CO),
  • Ejection Time (ET),
  • Total Peripheral Resistance (PR),
  • Aortic Characteristic Impedance (AI),
  • Arterial Compliance (AC).
  • RR Intervals (RRI),
  • Heart Rate (HR),
  • Stroke Volume (SV),
  • Cardiac Output (CO),
  • Ejection Time Ratio (ETR),
  • Pre-ejection Period (PEP),
  • Left Ventricular Ejection Time (LVET)
  • Heather Index (HI),
  • Systemic Vascular Resistance (SVR),
  • Left Cardiac Work (LCW),
  • Acceleration Index (ACI),
  • Velocity Index (VI),
  • Propagation Time (PT),
  • Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV).

Any two of the parameters listed above are displayed on the screen simultaneously, as well as analyzed in both time or frequency domains.


Any one of 12 different cardiovascular parameters can be displayed either in Graph1 or Graph2.

Both parameters appearing on the screen can either be displayed in a time diagram or results of their analysis in either time domain (statistics, segmented statistics, trend, histogram, Poincare plot) or frequency domain (autoregressive spectra, FFT spectra) are displayed graphically/numerically.


When the two parameters are displayed in the form of a time diagram, time axis is identical for both graphs, so that they can be compared at a glance. For each parameter its values at the positions of two different markers are available, as well as the difference between these two values.

Direct shortcut to the Nevrokard™ BRS Analysis module (if present).


Statistics: Maximum, Minimum, Max./Min., Range, Mean, Median, 95 % Conf. Interval, 99 % Conf. Interval, lnVariance, Coef. of Variance, Variance, Standard Deviation (SDNN), Stdandard Error (SENN), SDSD, RMSSD, No. of Segments, SDANN, SDNN Index, SDASD for all the cardiovascular parameters recorded.                                         

Segmented statistics: SDANN, SDNN Index, SDASD, t-test between segments; Mean, STD, SE, 95% Confidence Interval and 99 % Confidence Interval for each segment.

Linear Regression (Trend Analysis): Coefficients A and B, R2, SEE for each segment.

Histogram: Mean, SD, Mode, Median, Dispersion, Skeweness, Kurtosis, and Variability Index (Triangular Index with a freely adjustable Class Interval (bin value)).

Poincare Analysis: SD1, SD2 in both absolute and normalized units, SD1/SD2 Ratio, CSI (Cardiac Sympathetic Index), CVI (Cardiac Vagal Index), d[parameter]t, d[parameter]r in both absolute and normalized units, d[parameter]t/d[parameter]r, Centroid, Ellipse Area, R2 and SEE.


Based on the autoregressive model (parametric method):

  • Spectral density units: absolute, normalized.
  • Freely adjustable model order.
  • Graphic presentation and calculation of integrals of up to five preset frequency bands (ULF, VLF, LF, HF,VHF) which represent the quantitative, numeric results of spectral analysis, in absolute or normalized units (absolute power of given component/[sum of absolute powers of all components-F*] x 100, *F=adjustable low frequency limit for n.u. calculation).
  • On-screen determination of spectral density at any frequency.
  • LF/HF ratio, LF/(LF+HF) ratio, HF/(LF+HF) ratio, CCVLF (Coefficient of Component Variance for LF) and CCVHF (Coefficient of Component Variance for HF).

Based on the FFT Algorithm (non-parametric method):
  • FFT spectra types: Amplitude (=Magnitude), RMS, Power.

  • FFT window types: Rectangular, Hanning, Hamming, Flat Top, Bartlet, Blackman, Exponent, Blackman Exact, Blackman Harris, Chebyshev, Cosine Tappered, Kaiser.

  • Spectral density units: absolute, normalized.

  • Smoothing with triangular window (freely adjustable smooth index).

  • Graphic presentation and calculation of integrals of up to five preset frequency bands (ULF, VLF, LF, HF,VHF) which represent the quantitative, numeric results of spectral analysis, in absolute or normalized units (absolute power of given component/[sum of absolute powers of all components-F*] x 100, *F=adjustable low frequency limit for n.u. calculation).

  • On-screen determination of spectral density at any frequency.

  • LF/HF ratio, LF/(LF+HF) ratio, HF/(LF+HF) ratio, CCVLF (Coefficient of Component Variance for LF) and CCVHF (Coefficient of Component Variance for HF).


  • Time domain results for all cardiovascular parametersare displayed in the Statistics table.

  • Results of analysis can be printed, exported, directly converted into graphic formats or presentation slides, transferred to clipboard etc.

  • Chart Editor is available for all modes of analysis.