Any two of the parameters listed above are displayed on the screen simultaneously, as well as analyzed in both time or frequency domains. |
Any one of 12 different cardiovascular parameters can be displayed either in Graph1 or Graph2. |
Both parameters appearing on the screen can either be displayed in a time diagram or results of their analysis in either time domain (statistics, segmented statistics, trend, histogram, Poincare plot) or frequency domain (autoregressive spectra, FFT spectra) are displayed graphically/numerically. |
Direct shortcut to the Nevrokard™ BRS Analysis module (if present). |
Statistics: Maximum, Minimum, Max./Min., Range, Mean, Median, 95 % Conf. Interval, 99 % Conf. Interval, lnVariance, Coef. of Variance, Variance, Standard Deviation (SDNN), Stdandard Error (SENN), SDSD, RMSSD, No. of Segments, SDANN, SDNN Index, SDASD for all the cardiovascular parameters recorded. |
Segmented statistics: SDANN, SDNN Index, SDASD, t-test between segments; Mean, STD, SE, 95% Confidence Interval and 99 % Confidence Interval for each segment. |
Linear Regression (Trend Analysis): Coefficients A and B, R2, SEE for each segment. |
Histogram: Mean, SD, Mode, Median, Dispersion, Skeweness, Kurtosis, and Variability Index (Triangular Index with a freely adjustable Class Interval (bin value)). |
Poincare Analysis: SD1, SD2 in both absolute and normalized units, SD1/SD2 Ratio, CSI (Cardiac Sympathetic Index), CVI (Cardiac Vagal Index), d[parameter]t, d[parameter]r in both absolute and normalized units, d[parameter]t/d[parameter]r, Centroid, Ellipse Area, R2 and SEE. |